In 1942 the United States government ordered more than 110,000 Japanese to be detained in remote military style camps during World War 2. Manzanar War Relocation Camps was one of 10 camps where 10000 Japanese American citizens and Japanese aliens were incarcerated. The camp site is situated on 6,200 acres. The residential area was about one square mile and consisted of hastily built tarpaper barracks. A single family would live in a 20 ft by 25ft apartment inside the barracks separated by partitions. In addition to the residential barracks, there were laundry rooms, basketball court, schools, hospitals and more. The camp was officially closed on November 21, 1945. Today the site features a visitors center housed in the former High School Auditorium. Unfortunately, it was closed on our visit due to covid 19. At the cemetery, you can check out the memorial obelisk built by masons from the camp. 150 people had died at the camps.
Address: 5001 US-395, Independence, CA 93526