Adventures at Crater Lake Oregon

View from Crater Lake

We set out on an exciting adventure to Crater Lake, Oregon. While waiting for the rest of our group, the kids had a blast playing in the snow. Our destination was the Rim Village Historic District, the main hub for tourist services.

Situated near Medford, Oregon, Crater Lake was established on May 22nd, 1902, and proudly holds the title of the nation’s 6th national park in America. The park is a natural wonder, boasting vibrant forests, abundant wildlife, and a breathtaking blue lake aptly named “Lake Majesty.” Plummeting to a depth of 1,943 feet, it stands as the deepest lake in America, renowned for its stunning blue hue. The lake’s water comes directly from snow or rain, making it one of the cleanest and clearest lakes worldwide.

Arriving early in the season, we found that most facilities were closed, but we had the option to take a captivating tour around the rim. The Rim Road, spanning 33 miles, featured over 30 scenic pullouts, treating us to spectacular vistas.

At Pinnacles Overlook, we marveled at volcanic ash frozen into a towering 100-foot solid rock formation. Videa Falls offered a glimpse of a cascading waterfall and allowed us to admire some of the park’s unique plant life. Pumice Castle was a colorful spot where an orange layer of pumice had eroded into the shape of a castle.

We stepped back in time at Discovery Point, imagining ourselves in the shoes of John Hillman, the first pioneer to witness the majesty of Crater Lake. With an average of 43 feet of snow annually, Crater Lake ranked among the snowiest places in the United States, providing the perfect setting for a delightful snowball fight. And if we were to visit during the summer months, we could take advantage of the boat tours offered.

Crater Lake Hospitality provided 8 daily excursions and two shuttles to Wizard Island, allowing visitors to spend 3 hours hiking its summit. The current prices were around $55 for adults and $37 for children aged 3 to 12.

With limited activities available, we decided to explore the gift shop before embarking on a scenic drive back. The trip to the lake left us with a serious case of the munchies, so we treated ourselves to some delicious Inn-n-Out food, concluding our memorable day with satisfying delights.


