Mosaic Canyon Death Valley

Mosaic Canyon

We took the opportunity to recharge during our drive to the Mosaic Canyon Death Valley. The road to the parking lot was long and dusty with a lot of bumps. The Mosaic Canyon is located nearby the Stovepipe Wells Village. It is a slot canyon hike that gets its namesake from the Breccia which is composed of tiny angular fragments of various types of parent rocks locked with a natural cement.

It didn’t take long for Dylan to start climbing up the cliffs. The Breccia, an Italian word meaning ‘fragments’, kind of remind me of those tile mosaics. And the most stunning feature is the smooth marble. The marble was formed from limestone from pressure and heat.

The Mosaic Canyon was originally a fault line that had running water channeled through it for centuries. That water had carved out these beautiful rock formations and has created a unique hiking experience. We stopped about a quarter of the way into the hike, and just let the kids run amok. But before we left, we made sure to get a few slides in for good measure. Well, that was fun, it’s now time to head back to the car.
